
My offers

Marte Meo Practitioner

As Marte Meo practitioners, you are able to carry out Marte Meo in your facility. You train your self-perception and perception of others, can better recognize development opportunities and learn about concrete approaches for support in the social, emotional and linguistic areas.

In the first few hours, participants will receive an introduction to the method using example videos. In subsequent sessions, short videos from practice will be shown. of participants analyzed. For more detailed information, please contact me! I will discuss an individual offer with you.

Duration and scope: For a group size of 5-6 people: 36 hours in total, over a period of about 6 months

If there are fewer participants, the number of hours will be reduced. Individual sessions and training courses are also possible online.

Cost: 600 € per person, max. 6 participants.

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Marte Meo Therapist

The training as Marte Meo Therapist enables them to carry out Marte Meo development consultations themselves. This means that they learn to systematically analyse videos for development potential, filter out suitable situations, edit videos and advise parents. 

Colleague Trainer

As Colleague Trainer You can advise colleagues or offer further training and courses for specialists yourself.

Duration and scope:

16 days, spread over approx. 1.5-2 years, individual arrangements depending on group size.

Cost:2500 € per person

I offer special conditions for your facility if you book a package for your team!

After successfully completing the final examination, you will receive an international Marte Meo certificate. If you also advise colleagues or therapeutic or educational professionals during your training, you will receive the dual qualification of Marte Meo Therapist/Colleague Trainer.

Appointments can be arranged individually.

Also online

Individual case consultation & supervision for teams

You can invite me to your team as a trainer or ask me about individual settings.

My focus areas:

  • Daycare
  • School
  • Home
  • Horse riding therapy
  • Special education, especially children and adolescents with behavioural problems
  • Childminders & under-3s

I have personally worked in all areas or am currently working there, so I am not a "specialist idiot" but have gained a deeper insight into the practical work.

I support you in developing your individual potential as an educational professional, uncovering "blind spots" and optimizing good relationships with colleagues and children. 

Mart Meo- Trial lesson

SYou are welcome to invite me to your team if you would like to get to know me and the Marte Meo method. I will give a presentation about the method and show some video examples so that you can gain concrete insights into my work. Afterwards, I will be happy to answer any questions you may have. If you are interested, I will make you a concrete offer that I can tailor to your facility. 

Coaching for Kids

I like theExpression I don't offer "parenting advice", I would rather advise parents or professionals on how to recognize the talents and potential of their children and how they can best support their children in their development!

Maria Darts says that everyone is born with an inner gold mine. We adults have to help children to uncover it.

Children with ADHD in particular have very special gifts! Behind every challenging behavior lies a message and behind every supposed "weakness" lies a talent!

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The basis of everything: relationship

Marte Meo in therapeutic education with horses

For the riding instructor as a coaching or supervision method:

Marte Meo can make an important contribution to horse riding therapy. The emotional and social skills of children can be filtered out through video interaction analysis and can give the riding instructor concrete conclusions about the goal of the support.

A Marte Meo analysis can also be very informative when there are difficulties in initiating or developing a relationship and can provide assistance to the riding instructor as well as to the children.

Video analysis also makes non-verbal communication clearer in a special way. Gestures, facial expressions, body language, rhythm and tone of voice often say more than the content of the words. "A look says more than 1000 words".
For the children:

By watching the video together, children or young people can be shown where their individual strengths lie.

Children with special developmental needs often hear what they cannot or should not do. By filtering out the resources, Marte Meo allows children to build a new self-image and compare their self-perception and the way others perceive them.

Only successful moments are shown and, based on these, development goals are developed in which the children also have their say.

Even children without special needs benefit from this and can develop their strengths even further.

As a diagnostic instrument:

The video interaction method can be a very helpful tool for diagnostics in therapeutic education with horses. The current status, development goals and development process are documented and progress can be clearly measured.

See also:

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